Walton Street Blacksoil (WSB) - Real Estate Investment Management Company in Mumbai

With its Private Equity roots and entrepreneurial heritage, WSB identifies and capitalizes on key secular trends in the Indian real estate space, by following a disciplined investment strategy, strong alignment of interests with partners and the highest standards of governance.
WSB’s bottom-up approach is at the core of its investment strategy. Research and data-driven underwriting enable us to spot early trends and help identify the most compelling opportunities in target markets. We principally seek to underwrite investments to generate regular cash flows from underlying assets, led by a deep understanding of the micro-markets, regulatory framework, macro factors and infrastructure driving the demand.

Key features:

  • Investments in MIG/ affordable housing projects that deliver long-term sustainable value solutions to its residents

  • Focus on downside protection by building a wide margin of safety against future uncertainties

  • Executing a continuous asset monetization plan, delivering ongoing cash-flows to expedite project delivery – financial closure

  • Rigorous stress testing of the asset-level cashflows

  • Active, hands-on asset management approach through regular engagements with the partners, for early detection of the challenges that enable timely implementation of solutions

As opportunistic investors, WSB strategy aims to deliver superior risk-adjusted returns to its investors, while driving meaningful long-term value to its partners/ investee companies by turning them stronger and more growth-ready.

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